Just wanted to let people know I intend to share more of my story when I find the time. I'm currently now worrying about and working to stop the closure of Savannah's school. In addition to Savannah's needs I of course have 4 other children so my time is always limited, but I want to share our story with the world. The last five years of our lives have extremely challenging and filled with the constant struggle of trying to find the resources to meet Savannah's needs. Not just her daily needs but her needs for the future.
Thank you for visiting the page and when there is time I promise to share more of our journey.
Nyssa, Oregon
12 minutes ago
I have a son with mild CP and autism. You are amazing and inspirational.
A friend from a special needs moms writing group I'm in has a son that goes there as well as a friend from my church. I am sick over the prospect of them closing the school. I would love to help with the effort to keep it open.
Chrissy Searcy
thank you for writing. The parents are currently trying to brainstorm to figure out how to save the school..it is a shame that we have to do this...after all...isn't it a basic expectation for our children to attend schools that meet their needs? Isn't that one of the reasons we pay taxes in this country..you...as well as I know that caring for a child with special needs consumes most, if not all of our time...why do we have to spend what little energy we have left to fight for something that should be a "given" for our children...we have enough daily battles and hurdles to face ...enough already!! The parents are meeting again soon..we are going to put our heads together then let others know how they can help...will post the results after the meeting!! thank you again !!!
Savannah and Mom
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