Thursday, January 8, 2009

Help Us Pass Savannah's Law!! (Updated)

SAVANNAH'S LAW INTRODUCED BUT WE NEED YOUR HELP!! We can not get this bill pushed through without massive amounts of support, so WE NEED YOU!

I have been speaking and meeting with state and federal legislators about our situation in attempt to get laws changed that truly impact and devastate the American people. It is a minority group of folks that continually get overlooked and swept under the carpet.

Some potential changes I am proposing will not benefit our family, but will prevent families in the future from experiencing the same devastation our family has as a result of a tragic situation. Therefore, I will not stop this endeavor until changes are made.

Update:Thus far, a bill has been introduced into the 110th Congress entitled "Savannah's Law" HR 5494. It did not make it through the stages it needed to get the attention it deserves. It is currently being re-introduced into the 111th Congress as has yet to be assigned a new number.

I truly feel this should coincide with another proposal I have been discussing with the State legislators regarding auto insurance requirements on a state level. However, I am having much difficulty reaching those that can make it happen.

We can't get their attention unless enough senators and congressmen and women have heard of HR5494 it won't make any progress.

Please visit the previous post in the blog to read our story and help us get Savannah's Law passed. This law will help countless victims and children.

Please take a moment to contact your local senators and congressmen and women and ask them to support Savannah's Law.

Contact your senator(s) here

Contact info for governors, congressmen and senators for all 50 states including fax numbers

Thank you for taking the time to visit.